Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Deep within the great pyramid is a secret that has remained hidden for over 4000 years.

An ancient instrument designed to unlock mysteries that have baffled mankind for generations.

Reality Films is please to announce The Cross of Thoth by Chrichton E.M. Miller. The Wheel Cross allows the navigation of the planet without a time piece, the discovery of natures own mathematics and the construction of ancient sacred buildings in line with astrology. The philosophy behind all the great religions rest within what the cross reveals.

Crichton Miller in his intrepid journey to uncover the secrets of the past has stumbled upon a symbol that can only be called a great treasure. Miller has discovered a profound secret used for millennia, once lost and now revealed for the first time. The significance of this discovery will astound, surprise and bring humility to a world gone mad. This is the story of that search.

The Cross of Thoth reveals the hidden truth to mankind's most revered symbol.

"An ingenious discovery."

Robert Bauval, Author, of The Orion Mystery

To find out more go HERE


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